Reposted from an old blog.
This is something I can struggle with but only with certain people. Forgiveness. We hear about it a lot in church, read about it in the bible, talk to friends. Yet it seems to be a tough thing for a lot of us to do why is that do you think? Just being human?
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.It can't be any clearer can it? I can forgive someone who has done something wrong to me once maybe twice. I have forgiven big and small things. HUGE things throughout my life-abuse,abandonment,betrayal. Small things such as yelling at me when it wasn't my fault,"white lies"etc.
God has forgiven us, I mean Jesus Christ shed His blood for us-so we can be forgiven-can't we shed a few tears towards forgiveness to others? I for one, am really going to work towards it.The bible teaches us to forgive readily and freely. Many times people do things even they don't understand themselves but there is always a reason why people behave the way they do. The same is with us believers, God in Christ forgives our wrongdoings even when we don't know why we did what we did.
Unforgiveness definitely gives Satan the opportunity to taking advantage of us. Unforgiveness leads to a bitterness that will poison us. It will take root until it grows into our attitude,personality, behavior, perspective and even relationships-including our relationship with God.
So as I grow closer to God, walk my walk better- I think forgiveness is in order and what I to remember is FORGAVE-- FOR God GAVE us His one and only Son.