Saturday, September 1, 2012

Words to live by....

Be Brave.
 Those 2 words were spoken to me yesterday by a friend of mine. We were just hanging out at my house,catching up on life and I was telling her I believe my new chiropractor is really a serial killer who likes breaking necks. OK, so my first neck cracking made me melodramatic!
Anyway,she simply said "Be Brave."
Those 2 words have been bouncing around in my head like a ping pong ball for 24 hours. The reason being is I think I need to start being brave in a lot of areas in my life.
 Being brave relates to take a step of faith. If you just take that first brave step,God is waiting to help with the rest of the steps.
I have a couple of things going on that I realized I needed to just be brave. Write that email I needed to write. Done, just had to have the courage to face what I didn't want to face. But it is done!
Mike and I had to make a decision not to buy 2 things we wanted,not needed but just wanted. Being an adult stinks may not have anything to do with bravery but it had to do what was right instead of what felt good. Be brave to make adult choices. Done!
I have wanted to do another blog. My last one was more about my past and that door is hopefully closed. I am looking at today and tomorrow. Yesterday is done. I heard a saying recently- if your past comes calling,let the voicemail pick up! So this is me,being brave and trying a new blog at the risk of sounding silly,dumb,lame,etc. Done!
My teenager,M,is a senior and leaving for college next year. Boy, will I need to be brave then! I am needing to be brave now just knowing it is coming! My goal is to try to do things and hang out with her as much as we can before she goes. The little moments are what I really love the most with her. We are silly together. We have inside jokes together. She is a light in my life that she probably doesn't even realize how much she shines in my eyes. My goal-to make sure she knows it, beyond a shadow of a doubt before she embarks on her new journey in life. Be brave,mom.
My friend who is being so brave with troubles in her own life,has no idea what an impact she made with those words. Hopefully, she will be reading this blog so she can see I happen to think she is one of the most courageous people I know.
So many stories in the bible of bravery but don't you think Jesus's is the bravest of all? I wonder if anyone whispered "Be Brave" as he made that walk to his death? I do know God whispers it to so many people I have come across in my life.Those with cancer,those who suffered abuse,miscarriage,death of loved ones,divorce,financial ruin. I can just see the courage God breathed into them. Also, those who are taking those brave faithful steps-going back to college as an adult,having a baby when life isn't perfect, trusting someone new,finding a church or job where they fit in. Joy comes from faith. Courage comes from faith. Life without faith just doesn't make sense to me.
Be brave. Just for a moment in time. See how it works. I know I will.

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