Thursday, September 13, 2012

You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friend's nose!

I love my friends! If there is one thing I do right in life besides my kids, it is picking friends.
I have always had a great choice of friends in my life. I made better choices of friends then I did men through the years(current hubby excluded, of course!). But I kinda take that for granted...I just always sorta thought everyone made lots of friends.

As an adult I have learned that it isn't so easy for many. Trust issues get in the way. Self esteem issues make us hesitant. But most of all, I think people screw up other people,leave damage in their wake and could care less. People can be damaging and damaged. That really makes me sad because I truly love people. Always have, I now believe that is God's love shining through me, God wants us to love people. To show people His love.

I wish everyone had a best friend. I wish everyone could laugh til they pee. I wish everyone had someone in their live who is 100 % trustworthy and all in the friendship no matter what life throws at them. I wish everyone had someone who knows almost everything about you and could care less because they love you anyway.
As we go through life, we see who can survive through the rubble that is sometimes our lives. Who stands with us tossing boulders out of our way saying...whew...what's next?

I have gotten in touch with childhood friends via Facebook but because of my choices in life as a teen, I lost touch and lost closeness with those friends. Everything has a season and those friends were there for that season in my life. I wonder what it would be like to have made better choices that would have kept me in the area,near those friends. Life would be so different.

But then I would not be able to blog the following if life had been different........

I have a BFF,Jane, she has been my friend for more years then I am going to say. We met as adults and there has been rubble in both our lives, there has been fights,laughter,distance and tears. But I know and she knows we are there in a flash. Whether it is a phone call, a favor or a down right emergency. No doubts,no matter how busy.
I also have a couple of close friends who I have met since coming to TN that I can say have been there for me more times in my life over the last few years then I have earned the right for them to be. One phone call and they come running. over and over. I don't know what I did to deserve it but if I am half the friend to them as they all are to me... I don't know I can ever repay.
My daughters are now old enough I call them my friends too. Although, I am still parenting Melissa, she is so mature that I am ok considering her a friend. I am a parent first and foremost but I am lucky to have her to talk to as well as my daughter Jill.

I am also lucky to have some family members who I am extremely close to that I know if I ever needed a shoulder....or anything...they would be there.

So for me, today is the day I appreciate my friends. God knows whose paths we need to cross and whose paths we will forever been connected.
Let your friends know you appreciate them, not everyone has 'em.
Tomorrow- smile at a may be the nicest thing that happens to them.

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