Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Do not is not yours to forgive.....

I knew when I started getting my thoughts together for this blog that they may not be what others think but since it is my blog and my thoughts I am going to express and I believe it is ok for you not to agree. Just glad you are taking the time to read it.

Since the CT shooting I have heard a lot of people talk about how we need to forgive the shooter. God gives us forgiveness and so we need to forgive others but honestly in my opinion,it is not our right to forgive this man.

Who are we? We are not family,friends or relatives of the victims. We are people who are angry and sad that 20 children and 6 adults lost their lives,true. But this man did not do this horrific crime to us therefore, I do not believe we have the right or privilege to forgive. I think that is inserting ourselves into a private matter that belongs to the loved ones.

We need to pray for the family and friends of all involved. We need to pray they can move passed their anger,heartache and yes, possibly, forgive. But think about it, how many times have you read something on the news about a killing,a kidnapping, an arsonist or a thief. Do you tell yourself you need to work on forgiveness towards them? Is it because these precious children lived in our nation? What about the man who stabbed 23 children in China on the same day as this shooting? Are you telling yourself you need to work on forgiving him? What about all of the other children in this world who suffer at the hands of terrorists? Did you know about the stabbings in China? He went into an elementary school as well. All of these children need our prayers. All of their families need our prayers.

But I believe if the act was not done to you,your family or someone you love-you do not have the right to insert yourself into the act of forgiveness. That makes you getting into the middle of something just to what? feel better? We will eventually go on with our lives, these families have a lifetime of heartache.

So be mad,sad,horrified, send money to the CT funds,yell at God,drop to your knees and pray,hug your loved ones tighter but leave the thought of needing to forgive to those who truly need to work on it if they can even find it in their hearts to do so.

Someone asked me if I could forgive if it happened to one of my children or grandchildren. My answer was I do not believe I am that good of a person to do so. I would like to think I could because that is what God wants me to do but honestly I am not sure how I could find it in my soul. Maybe. Maybe I would because my kids would want me to,maybe I would because God wants me to but if I didn't, God would still love me. God forgives. God loves.

I do believe this man is in hell. He did not ask Jesus to be his savior prior to shooting himself,that I can almost guaranty you.
There is one way into heaven,accepting Jesus as your savior. Takes only a couple of minutes but it takes strength,courage and a lot of work to hang in there during times that we do not understand. I am not going to try to say I understand why all of this was allowed, I even said to Mike, couldn't have God had him just die in a fatal wreck on way to the school? Yeah, I'm kinda ticked at God that He didn't. But God is my Father and just like my dad, He can handle what I dish out. He knows I will stop being mad and that I know He will still love me.

See? I told you it may not be what you think, it may even sound cynical or cold. I am not sure how it will come across. I just know I needed to express it.

Wishing everyone a Merry and safe Christmas!