Monday, November 18, 2019

What a lumpy bumpy year.....

I am really not trying to sound whiny, however it has been a year for me....
I am going to put my year in review for you to understand:
January- It started out for the year to be so promising. We had booked a cruise with Jill, Chris and the kids for our first family vacation together, along with my mother in law. I had not been feeling well with flu like aches and pains and overwhelming tiredness so a vacation with some of my favorite people and warm weather sounded wonderful.
While I was not fully feeling like myself and could have participated more, I still had a wonderful time. This was about the time mom started sharing some very strange behaviors and decline in her health.
February- finally got the diagnosis of incomplete lupus (meaning no butterfly rash on face) and treatment plan started. Mom declines further.
March- anniversary of my brother's passing beginning of the month and on 24th mom passes away. I took the final step to end the relationship with my oldest brother because he is toxic for me.
April- a friend of mine for 15 years had decided to end our friendship.
May- We had mom's memorial service. My cousin,Judy, was suppose to be able to go and had to cancel because her cancer was back.
June- while on another wonderful vacation, I get the call I never wanted to hear. Judy has been given 2 weeks to live. I go up to MD to say my good byes.
July- Judy passes away and I go up for her memorial. This was so tough.
August- we had to put Ginger, our dog down. She was 16 and we had her for 15 years. This was so much harder than either one of us expected. Yet it was the right thing to do for her.
September- It was our 20th wedding anniversary. A few days before that, we had a huge fight and honestly, it could have gone really bad if either of us had chosen in that moment to throw in the towel. We had pushed each other to the limits. I am so thankful, that we chose and have always chosen to breath and talk it out. Love is easy. Marriage is work. It was a bump in the road that we were able to maneuver over.

I prayed  to God- Can the rest of the year hold nothing major, please?
Satan says " Here. Hold my beer."

Last day in September, I receive a text from my niece, Ericka. She has received her DNA test results from 23andme and there is a guy showing up who is closely related to her (first cousin). So she wanted to know my thoughts. I am looking over the information and we start thinking of how he is related. She decides to reach out to him and start exchanging information.
October-He revealed to her, his mom had told him when he was 11 his dad was not his dad. Later she denied it. ( She was drunk at the time.) He asked Ericka if she had an uncle who was in the DC area around 1970? Well, Scott would have been 8 so that rules him out. My Uncle Don was in town visiting Thanksgiving in 1969 so if he happened to go out without his kids and had an one night stand and this guy was born in a certain time frame in 1970, then that would fit. Or there is one other possible answer....
My mom was a very active alcoholic until December 1975. During the years prior to that, she would rant about dad having affairs when she was drunk. So us kids just always figured it was true. If that was the case, than this guy could be my half brother.

So I immediately order the kit.

Results came back roughly 2 weeks later and sure enough he is my half brother. We connect and start sharing information. At first, it was harder on him than on me. Yes, we both had a seed placed in our minds early in our childhoods. But his parents are still alive, so for him, he has to not only deal with the hews that his dad isn't his dad but how to handle who and when he tells this news.
For me, it kinda cool. After all, Scott is gone and I don't have a relationship with Steve.
Like Ericka said, we are this loving, eclectic family who is like- "Another one to love! Come- let us hug you!!" And he is like Whoa!!!
The last few weeks have been kind of tough. He was able to speak to his mom (his parents are divorced) and she realized she was faced with having to own up the truth. As it turned out, she was my dad's secretary when he worked for Dept of Justice and they had an ongoing affair for 5 years. It also has come to light that my dad knew about this child. He even met him one time when Darrell was in high school. And she had reached out to my dad in 1993 when Darrell was diagnosed with diabetes to see if it ran in the family.


That was tough to hear.

For a few reasons, one is for all the obvious reasons, another is, you see, mom was so flawed in our eyes growing up that she was given a lot of crap from us kids, even as adults, she was the "lesser" of the parents. We had placed my dad on a pedestal and he never got any flack from us. Not when he also was drinking when we were younger, not for having affairs on mom, not for anything.
The final reason for me is personal.
Short version- When I got pregnant with Jill, I was 20. her dad was not a good person and my dad couldn't stand him and was mad that I got pregnant by him. So he basically disowned me and I had no place to live and ended up in a homeless shelter.

How hypocritical of him.

I have been going through every emotion that you can imagine. The final result is that I can't change anything. Oh how, I would love to have an open conversation with him, but I can't. He took this secret with him when he died and of his choosing. Scott had even asked him when they were alone if there was anything he needed to know about-any siblings that might come out of the woodwork.
Was it to protect us or himself? I think he chose to protect us (including my half brother) all of these years, which is one reason why he never left mom. And I do know that he truly loved her.

 Was he a hypocrite? Yes. He should never have put me through what I went through. Was he there in the end of it all? Yes and in a big time way. Did he have reason to be so frustrated with me? Absolutely. It was the moment in my life that defined what I was going to do for myself and my child for the rest of my life.

It was my bottom.

And it has been nothing up since!

I had a day of feeling so guilty towards mom. I wish I had acknowledge to her how hard it was for her at times during her marriage. As a mom and wife, it breaks my heart. I wish I had not had so many years of resentment towards her. But there were many layers to our relationship and many reasons for those resentments. In the end, I know 100% our relationship healed, I did everything for her to make her life here in TN good. She was safe from my brother and she was well taken care of and she felt the love from all of us here. She knew. She said many times that I took good care of her. She felt loved in the end and that is what I need to remember.
As far as my half brother goes, we are taking things slow. I accept him as my brother because he is my brother. Growing up together or not, doesn't change that fact. I feel like it would be disrespectful to him and my dad to say otherwise. Will we have a relationship? I don't know. I would like to think we could meet one day. He has a son so I have a nephew I would like to meet. However, this is water that none of us have tread before. He is choosing not to tell his dad or sisters until both parents have passed. So it is more difficult for him in the every day life than for me.

The timing is not lost on me,.either. If I had known when mom was alive, while I would not have told her, I would have been burdened with guilt.

Roughly the last weekend of October, I had a twinge in my right breast. I took my hand to make it stop and felt a lump. It took me a day or 2 to say something to Mike because I had to make sure I wasn't being melodramatic or anything. Yup, it is a lump. On Halloween, I go to my Dr and she felt it. They set me up for a diagnostic mammogram.
November- The morning of my mammogram, I  did a group text with 3 of my friends. We will contact each other if we have a prayer request. I ask- Anyone ever have a lump? YES.
While checking in for test, the gal lets me know if something shows up concerning, they will do an ultrasound.
So, while waiting, I text them again " Anyone have an ultrasound done after mammogram?" All 3 say YES.
Ok, so far so good.
Mammogram showed not one, but 2 lumps. Ultrasound done and radiologist says I need to have biopsy done.
Sent another text to my friends " Anyone have to get a biopsy?"
Now, I get the feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My lumps are under an inch, one is exactly one inch in size for part of it. Being under an inch is important because if it is cancer, it is concerned early. At least what Dr Google as told me. ;-/

Both have jagged edges and not smooth.
Both are not fluid filled.
Both are in the upper right quadrant which is where 50% of cancer is found.

Last Wednesday, I had my biopsies done.

Today I got the call.

It’s cancer in both lumps.

I have said from the beginning that God has got this and in true form- it so happens there is an opening tomorrow morning for me to see a breast specialist!
We don’t know the stage or type yet. Hoping to have those answers along with a plan of treatment.

Then it will be my turn to say Satan- Here. Hold my beer. My God and I got this.

January- I had a wonderful first cruise with my daughter, son in law and grandkids!
February- FINALLY got an answer to health issue plaguing me for a very long time.
March- mom’s suffering ends and it was a spirit filled peaceful death.
April- A toxic friendship needed to end.
May- first time to the gulf shores surrounded by family (some who I haven’t seen in awhile) in a wonderful tribute to mom, dad and Scott.
June- wonderful vacation with family and I was fortunate to see Judy and tell her how much I love her.
July- Nothing wonderful about this month. It was hard. Seeing family was wonderful- circumstances weren’t.
August- Ginger lived a long and spoiled life!
September- it was my birthday and anniversary celebrations! Plus, we saw Mike’s brother get married at one of the best weddings we have been to!
October- I gained a brother!!🎉
November- We are having over 20 people here for our biggest Thanksgiving ever!!!!!
December- it’s a month full of family birthdays and Christmas!!
What a year to be alive!❤️ I’m surrounded by family and friends who are showing me so much love and support.