Friday, May 31, 2013

Gift Living........

Life is something else, isn't it? Never what you expect, sometimes going your way or not and yet a blessing all the same. A gift. Sometimes we, as humans, treat the gift of life and the gifts we get in life as a bad present. We do a glance over,push it aside and move on.
 I wonder what would happen if we truly took every second, everything that happens in a minute and treated it with admiration. True admiration-true awe. Through the eyes of a child and all that corny stuff. How would we feel? How would we feel about others and would we feel about ourselves if others treated us that way?
But life happens and all it takes is one curve ball to throw us off our gratitude attitude. How quickly that can happen! Like falling off a healthy eating plan or going back to an old habit. Only takes one event and wham.....there we go......
There are people who truly treat life as trash. But do you think they started treating life as trash or someone treated them like trash first? I think the latter. Sad, really. Oh, there are exceptions to that rule but if hurt people didn't hurt people the world would be a better place,don't you think?
But if you don't treat life as trash do you treat it like the gift it is? Do you stop to smile at someone or just say hello? Say Thank You?
I love in the south how so many just wave to each other. A simple wave. But it makes me smile. Maybe southerners take that for granted but if they have ever been anywhere else they would know that doesn't happen everywhere.
Change can be good-a curve ball can be lesson learning. Above all, life is good. It is a gift and in it are many, many, many gifts. Love,laughter, friends,family are the obvious but what about the scenery, the sounds, the creatures,etc. All gifts. Awe inspiring.
Life has been rough for me so far in 2013, at least on one hand, but if I take the attitude of "gift living" there has been so much I have learned/gained/experienced. I could list everything that is a gift to me but I am not, the point is- I do have a list. A list is good-it means I appreciate more then just one or two things in my life.
I am really trying to remember all of the above. I am moving out of my fog,dusting off my knees and palms to pick myself back up so I can get back in the game. Not easy when life has been rough. Not easy when there are days all you want to do is kick dirt and scream.
 Now, I know not everyone believes in God or believes as I do. But I really get a kick out of what God creates. What He does. What He can do. Am I happy with all that He makes happen? No way! But I am relearning to trust Him with it all. I have to believe He is doing all kinds of things behind the scenes to make the bad things have meaning to make the good things bring on something even better.He gives me gifts and I need to remember to say Thank You. I need to remember to spot every single gift,every precious moment and to wave. Always wave.

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