Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Say I do before the bubbles choke you.....

My hubby and I celebrated 13 years of marriage this past weekend. You notice I didn't say "13 years of blissful marriage" and he would not want me to say that lie. We have had some rough roads,probably times when we each thought we wanted to call it quits but we wouldn't. We are just meant to be together and we know it. We love each other during and through the rough times. Of course, we love each other more during the good times. :)
I think the key is compromise and communication. We really try to keep those in focus.
Really, considering we met each other 1 time in person and the next time we saw each other he was helping me move in to our apartment, I think we are very fortunate to have each other and to have the desire/love to make it work.

I am not going to bore you with the details of our relationship. Maybe one day. Basics-we met online in a chat room. We talked months on end and had fallen in love. We knew it,couldn't explain it back then any more then we could today other then we were meant to be. God has plans. Period.

Our families were surprisingly accepting of us being together. Although,he moved to me in VA and I truly believe if I had told my parents I was taking my girls to move with him in NJ it would have been a different story.

We met my cousin and his wife for dinner this weekend. We have become very close friends through the years. We got to talking about our wedding and how they came to Vegas to meet us. We were west coast/east coast cousins who really didn't know much about each other until my parents reunited with him in a trip to Vegas a couple of years prior. Then he and I started talking. In fact, I helped the 2 of them get together.
When he knew we were coming to Vegas and they lived in CA at the time, there was only one choice but for them to come out during our honeymoon. We had a great time then and now.

Funny story is that,quite honestly, I was waiting for my divorce to become final as we were flying out there. Calling my attorney when we changed planes in St. Louis. Getting to hotel in Vegas to find out the judge had not signed the papers. We had everything arranged for that night. Limo,chapel,etc.
As we sat at dinner, Mike looked at me and basically was like what choice do we have? It will work out, so what if there is a few hours difference? HA! I think he was thinking...heck yeah I will have a way out if this doesn't work. :) Just kidding...kinda. So, as I looked at my future hubby I tossed up a prayer to God. God, please don't have this happen. I don't know what do to but I know you don't want me married to 2 people even for 5 minutes. I need help here.
I mean after all, this was HIS idea!

So we go back to the room to get ready and the phone rings. It was the chapel calling. Their limo driver had a family emergency and could we reschedule for tomorrow? They apologize for the issue and would throw in a free video of the wedding for our troubles. After I picked my jaw up off the phone, I looked up, mouthed "Thank You" and told her we would see them tomorrow. Now I know some would say oh sure God made the limo driver have a family emergency just for you. My answer? YUP! Now I would like to believe it was not a major crisis and everything is ok, ya know..something that he had to leave work but not life altering. Who knows? She could have been lying, he could have been lying. All I know is I was most definitely divorced when I got remarried.
Oh and that video? We still have it on VCR and at the end you can see the minister's wife blowing bubbles in front of camera. Vegas wedding, as cheesy as it was-I wouldn't change marrying my best friend. Stress,bubbles,love and all. :)

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